Shared goals of care data collection tool

This tool is for collecting data for reporting on shared goals of care. Please read the attached Word document before using the Excel tool. 

The shared goals of care data collection tool, is a place for audits related to the shared goals of care form to be entered.

The tool has dashboards that create graphs from this audit data and allows for further analysis. These can be used to share learning and information from the audits to wards and your clinical governance group. The tool also has a tab for data collection of outcomes.

The spreadsheet uses macros to aid refreshing graphs as well as when adding new wards and weeks to enter data from audits. However, most IT groups in district hospitals will block a file with macros coming in via email. You will need to work with your IT group to be able to load the spreadsheet into your organisation's files and start using it with the macros enabled.

Please discuss this with your IT group to identify the best location for storing this file.
